Best Fully Automatic Egg Incubator: Best Overall: Brinsea Ovation 56 Ex Incubator Best Budget-Friendly: Manna Pro Nurture Right 360 Incubator Best Value: Brinsea Mini II Advance Most Durable: HBlife Digital Fully Automatic Incubator Editor’s Choice: Farm Innovators Model 4250 Incubator When you've chickens who lay eggs themselves, why would you need to … [Read more...]
Brooder Box for Chicks: Best Brooding Box for Chicks of 2024
Best Brooding Box for Chicks: Best Overall: Brooder Box for Chicks Best Budget-Friendly: Heated Box Poultry Brooder Best Value: Baby Chick Starter Kit: Farm Innovators Model 3700 You must have a brooder box prepared for your chicks from the moment you hatch them, particularly if they're incubated on your own or at the time they arrive in the event you purchase … [Read more...]
How Much Does It Cost To Produce A Dozen Eggs?
How Much Does It Cost To Produce A Dozen Eggs? A recent thread on a homesteading group in Facebook got me thinking. The question asked by a homesteader was a common one: How much should she charge per dozen for eggs? The thread garnered all sorts of answers but got me to thinking about the advice I once received from an Agronomist during a class. He said, and I … [Read more...]
TOP 2 Best Grandpa Chicken Feeders [2024 Reviews]
Best Grandpa Chicken Feeders for 2024: 20lb Feed Capacity (Best Overall) 40lb Feed Capacity (Editor's Pick) Chicken feeding is a simple task. There are many options on the market for chicken keepers. However, the main challenge is to ensure that your chickens get the food. Your chicken feeds will be eaten by the local pigeons and rooks, as well as squirrels, … [Read more...]
How Long Does It Take For A Chicken To Grow?
How Long Does It Take For A Chicken To Grow? Certain chicken breeds exhibit varying rates of growth due to their genetic characteristics. For instance, numerous meat-focused chicken breeds tend to experience rapid growth, whereas those specialized for egg production may have a slower development rate. Nevertheless, the exact duration of growth varies from one hen to another, … [Read more...]
Raising Chicken For Eggs And Meat: A Complete Guide For Beginners
Raising Chicken For Eggs And Meat You can raise chickens in your small backyard or on 20 acres. They are great starter livestock. Chickens can be used to produce meat, fertilizer, or eggs. They are very easy to manage. A list of the top chicken breeds can be found online and in books. Online information can be outdated. offers this comprehensive guide … [Read more...]
Simple Steps to Building a Chicken Coop for FREE [Chicken Coop Plans]
Simple Steps to Building a Chicken Coop for FREE [Chicken Coop Plans] Are you considering raising backyard chicken? It can be a good idea. There is no significant investment involved except for the chicken coop and the feeds that nourish those adorable fowls. Why is this idea gaining popularity these days? Have you ever wondered how to live on a farm where everything is … [Read more...]
Should You Heat Chicken Coop? Warm Chickens Without Burning Your Coop
Should You Heat Your Chicken Coop? Warm Chickens Without Burning Your Coop Short answer: If you want to, yes. Believe it or not, this question stirs up many passionate emotions among chicken keepers and chicken experts. The argument goes like this: Most people who heat their chicken coops do so with heat lamps or space heaters, which, while they work, present a … [Read more...]
Safe Alternative To Heat Lamp for Chickens | Best Options
Safe Alternative To Heat Lamp for Chickens: Hot Water Bottles. Brooders. Heated Pads Keep a Crowd. Thick Beds Feather Dusters Start Older. Winter Care How can you raise chicks in a way that doesn't require a heat lamp? We will discuss how to raise chicks from eggs in a moment. However, many prefer ordering chicks. You can have baby chicks, … [Read more...]
How To Keep Chickens Warm in Winter? [TOP 17 TIPS]
How To Keep Chickens Warm in Winter? Although chickens are indeed resilient, If they're not kept warm enough, the laying of the eggs will cease to be produced by the hens as those with weaker immune systems may be sick and may have a difficult time recovering in cold weather. Some farmers who utilize heating lamps for keeping their farms warm are also prone to creating … [Read more...]
What Should Be Inside a Chicken Coop? Must Have Items
What Should Be Inside a Chicken Coop? Lighting Food and Water Supply Litter Trays Insulation Roosting Perch Nesting Boxes Air Quality Bath Boxes Raised Floor You will see better results if your chickens are fed well, whether you have chickens on your own homestead or just a few to collect their eggs. You might think that the answer is simple … [Read more...]
Top 10 Chicken Nesting Boxes Reviews in 2024
Best Chicken Nesting Boxes: Best Overall: Best Nest Box Rollaway Community Nest Box Best Budget-Friendly: Harris Farms 2 Hole Nesting Box Best Value: Brower Nesting Boxes: Brower 404B Poultry Nest Most Durable: Nesting Box Inside Chicken Coop Editor’s Choice: Galvanized Chicken Nesting Boxes The primary purpose of best nesting boxes for chickens is to … [Read more...]
Solar Chicken Coop Heater: Best Solar Heat Lamp for Chicken Coop
Are You Looking for Best Solar Chicken Coop Heater or Best Solar Heat Lamp for Chicken Coop? Best Overall: KK.BOL Portable Solar Powered Chicken Coop Lights Best Budget-Friendly: Bemexred Solar Heat Lamps for Chicken Coop Best Value: Lozayi Solar Powered Heat Lamp For Dog houses, and Chicken Coops Most Durable: Afoskce Solar Heat Lamps for Dog House Editor’s … [Read more...]