Raising Goats 101: Beginner Tips and Practices Humans have domesticated goats for thousands of years. But don't get it twisted. This review is not about history or anything like it. At elliotthomestead.com, while we always strive to provide our readers with the best, dependable and reliable information, we also reconcile facts with recommendations on the best animal products … [Read more...]
Goat Facts: 10 Incredible Things You Didn’t Know About Goats
Goat Facts: 10 Incredible Things You Didn't Know About Goats The homesteading activities include raising livestock, poultry farming, lawn mowing, trimming hedges, gardening, and rearing livestock. We will discuss goats, a clever and escapist domestic animal that can help you see the other side of the fence. It can be challenging to choose the right goats for your farm. This … [Read more...]