Do you want to have your article or blog post featured by us? is accepting guest posts from writers who would like to get their name out there through our platform. It is a win-win situation for all of us as we grow together.
Whether you would wish to submit an article or a blog post, submit ideas relating to what we do, graphics or pictures, reach out to us via anna.benseon79 [at] We will be more than glad to help and possibly, work with you.
Disclosure of Payment:
While we look forward to receiving your article and blog post submissions, is currently not paying writers, but we are working on the modalities of doing so. In the meantime, we have space (1/4 page) for our contributors who would like to run an advert. Take note that we only run legal adverts and those which do not violate our terms, policies, and values.
As you submit your articles/blog posts to us, also take note that reserves the right to accept or reject content on various grounds. We do, however, encourage you to start submitting.
We Accommodate Divergent Ideas
Moreover, as we look forward to your article/blog post contributions, we also accommodate wide-ranging viewpoints. It is the divergent ideas that give our readers something over which to relish as soon as they land our sites. We welcome open-minded writers/bloggers.
Our primary focus, however, is unconventional homesteading practices such as organic farming and permaculture, not to mention agricultural methods that help save money.
At the behest of all these, we remain focused on a mission. is undergoing a metamorphosis that will see it become an umbrella of ideas on matters of homesteading, agriculture, homesteading, holistic/natural health and animal husbandry. Moreover, we are working towards becoming a go-to hub for readers who want to learn more about art and science.
Experience Is Optional. Grow Your Skills With Us
We invite onboard, writers who would like to be part of this revolution-people who have what it takes to submit valuable, helpful, outstanding and educative content. While we do not emphasize writing experience-which means budding writers have a chance to grow, quality remains an anchor in our editorial evaluation of content you submit to us. We are ready and willing to hone and grow your skills in photography, graphic design, art, and writing.
Coping With Various Community Customs, Cultures And Beliefs
The type of content we publish serves the interest of different communities in different parts of the world. It is in this spirit and understanding of how wide our audience is that we try to cope with different cultures, beliefs, and customs. When you start writing for us, there will be differences and disagreements about the aforesaid.
Whether it touches on healthcare, farming methods or any other homesteading practice, we are ready to listen and make amends. We, therefore, encourage you to let us know about things that compromise your stance on the above via anna.benson79 [at]
We also encourage you to write content that does not violate our editorial guideline. Your submissions should not be libelous and must not be insulting to other contributors (s)
Technical Specifications
Before you can pen down your first article/post, The Elliott Homestead accepts content that meets the following technical specifications:
- The content you submit should not be less than 1000 words. However, provided it is top-quality and valuable, you can still send it so we can advise and/or more content. We endeavor to help you grow while putting top quality blog posts and articles for thousands of readers.
- Your contribution will have a by-line bearing your name, graphics/images and links to your website and/or email.
- reserves the right to edit the content you submit to us. It is because we premise our quality on value addition to readers, readability, prolific grammar and correct spelling.
- We also reserve the right to reproduce your content through printing and sharing in any format ideal to us. However, links and attributions will remain if and when necessary.
- Make sure to send your copies to contain images with a size not less than 72pi (website) and 200pi publication. The preferred format for photographs is JPEG and PDF for graphics.
Do you have any questions, comments, concerns regarding our blog post/article submission guidelines? Please feel free to let us know by sending an inquiry via anna.benson79 [at] You can also reach us filling in your query in the contact form on the Contact Us page.
You can find other websites by these terms:
- Submit a guest post
- Contribute an article
- Become a contributor
- Accepting guest posts
- Gardening write for us
- Write for us plants
- Gardening blog write for us
- Gardening guest post
- Guest post gardening
- Gardening submit a guest post
- Home and garden write for us